Curley's Wife is a tart. Discuss

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Dharam Taylor 10JG

Curley's Wife is a tart.  Discuss

The readers perception changes through out the novel on weather Curley’s wife is a tart or weather she is not a tart.  At the start of the novel we see her as being very provocative and extremely flirtatious.  Towards the end however our judgment changes.  We see her life as being very lonely and monotonous.  This fact is also emphasised at the end of the novel when John Steinbeck makes the end of her life as if she is going to heaven; very tranquil and peaceful.

‘the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face.  She was very pretty and simple,’


At first, Curley's wife is described to the reader through the comments of the men on the ranch.  Candy tells Lennie and George when he first meets them that she 'got the eye' for the men on the ranch.  Candy thinks that she is 'a tart'.

We first meet Curley's wife when she comes into the bunkhouse, when Lennie and George are in there. She is apparently looking for Curley but she already knows that new men have arrived. John Steinbeck gives a detailed description of her as she stands in the doorway of the bunkhouse.  She is 'heavily made up', with 'full rouged lips' and red fingernails. Her body language is provocative as she positions herself in the doorway so that 'her body was thrown forward'. She smiles 'archly' and 'twitched her body'.  Our impression from the very beginning is that she is extremely flirtatious; as in those days the only sort of women thought to have warn such stimulating clothing was by prostitutes.  So we see right from the very beginning she is being very much a tart.

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George's reaction to Curley's wife, however, makes the reader realise that she is a potential threat to their unattainable dream.  George sees her as 'poison' and 'jailbait'. He is angry with Lennie's admiration of her, to him- 'she's purty'.

Dharam Taylor 10JG

We understand why George is so alarmed that she will be the cause of more trouble for them and their dream.

As the story progresses we gain more knowledge of Curley's wife and our thoughts are changed again from weather she is a true tart or weather she only dresses for her to get the attention that ...

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