'Dark Knight' Trailer Shows A Joker Hellbent On Chaos

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Write an article for the school magazine, commenting on the trailer for ‘The Dark Knight’

'Dark Knight' Trailer Shows A Joker Hellbent On Chaos

The trailer itself is nothing short of dazzling, an impressive combination of whiz-bang effects and deft character touches. Batman rides his new motorcycle through the streets of Gotham; a truck overturns on a crowded street; and the Joker is in custody, taunting his captors with a devilish smirk.

The opening sequence of ‘The Dark Knight’ trailer immediately grabs the audiences’ attention. But just how does this trailer do it so well? Instantaneously, we see Bruce Wayne from a High angle shot, looking vulnerable and alone. He stands high up on a building looking down on Gotham City, which he is isolated from. The utter darkness creates a sinister and menacing atmosphere, which as far as first impressions go, gives the audience the impression that Batman is an outcast. The camera then zooms round to emphasize that Batman is the main focus and shows the audience how lonely he is. Shot three is a high angle shot of Gotham City. This shot shows the audience the enormity of Batman’s task. Through the trailer so far there has been a heartbeat, but in this shot the sound a risen considerably. Suddenly Batman appears and the sounds have been his fear building up to this point. Batman jumps. With him goes his fear, but it brings anticipation to the audience because they want to know what is going to happen to him. As he opens his arms and jumps there is a wind rush and the audience indulges in the moment. This clever tilt of the camera makes the action all seem to pass very quickly. Just as Batman goes out of eyesight, the next shot cuts in – an explosion. The audience are kept in suspense and they now want to know what really happened to the anti-hero. In the explosion are three logos, all skilfully merged together and symbolise how Warner Bros.; Legendary Pictures and DC comics work together in unity. It also cunningly has the bat logo in the mist of the explosion. ‘The Dark Knight’ trailer gets us all on the edge of our seats within the first fifteen seconds.

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Anyone who still has doubts about Heath Ledger's Joker won't after watching the footage. “where do we begin?”, well the first words said are those of the Joker’s. His voice is constantly popping up and overpowering the images. In scenes from the trailer, Ledger inhabits the character — the way his posture is just a bit cockeyed and his voice takes on the sing-song quality of a schizophrenic, slightly high-pitched in places, always playful. Along those lines, it is also clear from the trailer what direction they're taking the Joker's motivations, which, barring a big reveal in the film ...

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