Darkness - creative writitng.

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The warm September wind brushed the autumn leaves, making a harmonic sound in his ear. For Eric, it sounded like a highly talented orchestra led by a world famous conductor building up to its pounding, earth-shaking climax. However, it was nothing of the sort; a simple wind that blew one second and left the next.

It was a picturesque sight, Eric thought to himself as he crossed the road to get home. It was such a great feeling to see his house get closer as he crossed the road; Eric was getting excited at the prospect of inserting the key in his front door and the homely crunch of the key turning in the lock as the heavy door edged open.

So comfortable with the notion he just created for himself Eric allowed his neck muscles to completely relax and his head slumped towards the earth. His eyes fastened tightly, unwilling to see his head crash into the street, praying that the pain would not last long - if it all. Eric's eyes were jerked open by the fact that his long, elongated chin had just slammed into the impenetrable ground. Eric laughed quietly to himself, realising that he would not be allowed to die that easily. He would have to make more of an effort than just allowing his neck muscles to relax.

Eric focused on the street and actually began to admire it. Taking in the splendour of the footpath in he mused on its colour, the right combination of good and evil so as to form the lifeless colour of grey.

"Funny," he thought to himself. "People drive up and down this street every day and do not even understand what they are driving on." Realising that Eric did not quite understand what the meaning of the colour was, he glanced back at the grey street again. This time it looked like there were more speckled fragments of black than white.

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The blackness of the street was of varying degrees, but it was still black. The blackness had come from various sources such as oil and small rocks, but its unaccompanied presence, as well as the lack of other colours began to confuse Eric. Eric shook his head and raised his fluttering hands to his forehead, in order to exorcise these insane confusing thoughts from his mind, but sadly his effort failed.

Eric faced the fact that he would have to refocus his attention to the grey. With a heavy sigh he began to take the grey back into his ...

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