Dear Editor of Sugar Magazine.....

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Dear Editor Of  ‘Sugar’ Magazine,

        I am a 35-year-old woman and I am blissfully married and I have one daughter, which I adore. I am writing to you because I am absolutely appalled at what illustration your teenage magazine is giving to my daughter and other ‘teens’ around the UK. I cannot see what is ‘teen’ about your magazine. This magazine is not what teenagers should be reading and I think you should change your magazine.

I have to say that some factors of the magazine are good and acceptable. But, when I read through one of your magazine issues, I found that the main headline is ‘how to look sexy’. At the teenage years, I think they should not be reading on this type of issue yet. The magazine has content, which explains ‘how to glamorize yourself’, and I believe ‘teens’ should not be ‘glamorizing’ them self and should be concentrating on schoolwork. You do not want your children to achieve low grades? It is most possible that this will happen as research shows 65% of children in secondary school are not achieving there potential level for SAT’s and GCSE because they are not concentrating on schoolwork and homework.

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The image used on the front cover I feel is very reveling. Also the superstar Christina Aguilera is posing to revel even more of her body. You know the children these days, what ever they see, they want to copy. So if they see half naked models, they want to copy them thinking they will be the next supermodels. They will try to achieve this by reveling their body to the public. I do not want this to happen to my daughter.

Also, your magazine is encouraging ‘teens’ to tell their mate ten lies. I consider that as ...

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