Death of a Salesman PC Version.

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Stephen Ford R11 11r2

Death of a Salesman PC Version

The play we studied was Death of a Salesman, and was written by Arthur Miller. Throughout the play dreams are an intregal part of how the story develops. Much focus is placed on the characters dreams and aspirations, none so much so as the main character, Willy Loman. Each character in the play is aspiring to meet the requirements of the American Dream and the play is Millers way of arousing discussion about the flaws in the American ideology of success.

The American Dream dominates all the Lomans’ lives, it is the unsuccessful attempt at gaining the dream that leads to Willy’s downfall and it is what makes up the American Dream which meant Willy was destined to fail from the start.

The American Dream is the ultimate of American success, schools teach their children if they achieve the American Dream they will be happy. The ultimate of All-American dreams is to become President and in theory anybody can achieve this. To go with the dream is that you have to be phenomenally rich, therefore you can buy the best of the consumer goods and have anything you want, that you can own as much land as possible and be able to live in the open air, also that you are respected and loved by people and that you can command an authority upon anybody. Willy strives for all of this but will never gain it as he does not have the credentials to make it, he wants the dream but is not willing to work hard for it, he as a Loman believes things should happen for him.

The American Dream is how success is measured in an American capitalist society. The belief in America is that if you work hard and believe in yourself then you will catch the dream, however Willy does not follow this, Willy believes that if you are good-looking and well liked then you will be successful and Miller suggests this is where the American Dream has its downfall. Miller shows that you can achieve some of the dream by using Charley and Bernard as a contrast to the Lomans, each worked hard and have now achieved a lot of success in their own right and neither have ever been particularly well liked.

The American Dream has propelled a capitalist and consumer culture into America, where many believe having the best of everything is all that matters. This belief leads to a society where only a few manage to achieve “success” yet others are forced to compete with friends and family, an enormous pressure to succeed is placed upon them and if they fail society looks down on them and deems them useful simply because they are not earning enough money to be able to buy the best of everything.

The play focuses on Willy Loman and the dreams he dreamed. Miller, through Willy, explores the view that the American dream, imposes unrealistic expectations upon people, Miller suggests that the dreams society forces normal people like Willy to dreams causes these people to dream the wrong, unattainable dream and it is this which leads to the downfall of Willy. The main type of dream Miller focuses on is The American Dream, the dream that has sculptured a society all of its own. However, Miller uses Willys daydreams to show us Willys’ past and the hopes and dreams he followed that have lead him into his current day situation, Miller is showing that the Dream Willy was trying to follow had lead to his demise as he had made it the most important thing is his life.

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Willy is married to Linda and his two sons are Biff and Happy, he dreams of being successful and respected by his family and friends, he wants to be admired and remembered, Willy bases all his dreams on the success of a man named Dave Singleman. Willy saw this man as the ultimate in success and dreamed of leading the same life and dying the same death that Singleman did, he dreamed of dying in the same scenario as him "He died the death of a salesman, in his green velvet slippers" says Willy, sadly Willy does not achieve ...

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