Debate on whether schools should wear uniforms

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My name is Craig and I am seconding for the motion that this house believes RGS is to restricting. I will talk about schools studying religion, whether learning a foreign language or doing P.E or swimming should be compulsory. I will start with schools studying religion.

 Pupils are unable to consent to school prayer and the study of religion. A pupil does not opt into the practice of prayer. The practice typically takes place in the context of an assembly or in a lesson at which attendance is compulsory. The consent of the pupil to the prayer is not sought but merely presumed. We propose that students have the right to choose whether they feel comfortable studying and listening to religious activities. Imagine if anyone of you were Jewish, Muslim or even Sikh and you had to listen to the headmaster talking of Jesus or if you were forced into learning about Buddhism when it strictly offends you and what you believe in and goes against everything that you and your heritage believe in. How would you feel? You would feel uncomfortable and agitated but what choice would you have? No doubt the opposition will claim that if a student wishes to be exempt he is allowed to do so but imagine you were a child who did this you would be seen as an outcast and that student will never make progress in a school if he or she feels left out and socially isolated. So really does that child have a choice?

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 I will now talk about whether learning foreign languages should be compulsory. It should be up to the individual to decide what is useful for them to study. A pupil may not want a job that would need a foreign language. It is wrong for the government and for the pupil to tell people what is important for them. No doubt that the opposition will tell you that pupils cannot decide for themselves what is important. Young people have to learn to make choices. If they do not realise the benefits of learning languages, these benefits should be explained ...

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