Describe the character of Magwitch. What do you think Dickens has to say about crime and punishment in the sections of the novel where he appears? The following essay and the content of it are about the story of 'Great Expectations'

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Great Expectations.

Q. Describe the character of Magwitch. What do you think Dickens has to say about crime and punishment in the sections of the novel where he appears?

The following essay and the content of it are about the story of ‘Great Expectations’, its plot and what Charles Dickens was really trying to say.

‘Great Expectations’ is the tale about a young man, Phillip Pirrip nicknamed Pip for short, came to build up and have his great expectations dashed. The novel begins with Pip as a young boy out on the marshes and as the novel continues, it follows Pip’s journey to a gentleman and then later on into a businessman. Throughout the novel, Pip is involved in a few rather dramatic events and with some rather colourful characters alongside him.

        At the beginning of the story we see the young Pip, an orphan being brought up and looked after by his horrible, hard sister and her husband whose character is defined as being a gentle giant, Joe Gargery, the blacksmith. While upon on the marshes, Pip comes into contact with an escaped convict by the name of Abel Magwitch. As the novel reads on, it proves that Magwitch seems to have a profound effect on Pip’s life. Pip is influenced also by Miss Havisham, an eccentric and reclusive old woman. It turns out o be that there are two young women in Pip’s life: the very understanding and kind and gentle Biddy and the proud and perfectly beautiful Estella.

It comes about one day that Pip has come into a generous fortune. A benefactor, who to Pip is unknown, wishes for Pip to travel to London to become and succeed as a high class gentleman. This is the answer to all of Pip’s dreams, it’s like his Christmases have all come at once but all doesn’t go as well as Pip would have hoped and he becomes involved in quite a few adventures. Also, when he is handed his fortune, Pip becomes a snob and the money changes him totally and it’s all for the worse.

        At the beginning of Chapter 1, we meet Magwitch. While Pip is in the graveyard, where his mother is buried, he meets Magwitch. Magwitch puts a great fear into Pip demanding food, drink and a file as he still has chains around his ankles since he has escaped from prison-“You bring me, to-morrow morning early, that file and them wittles”, Magwitch, page 8. Before Magwitch demands these sources, he rummages through Pip’s pockets for food and takes him by his ankles and absurdly shakes Pip upside down. Pip is scared into such a fright by Magwitch firstly telling Pip whether he should live or not-“The question being whether you’re to be let to live”-Magwitch, (page 7.)

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Magwitch tells Pip that there is a man a lot worse than him-“There’s a young man hid with me, in comparison with which young man I am a Angel”, Magwitch, page 8. After this, Pip is determined to go home, gather the things Magwitch needs and return to meet him the next day.

An immediate view of the relationship between Magwitch and Pip is one based completely on fear and power, to which Magwitch has the upper hand so Pip cannot compete with him. It seems though that Magwitch and Pip share an unlikely but yet common loneliness. This is ...

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