Describe the means by which Dickens conveys Scrooge's Character.

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Marc Parry 11F

Describe the means by which Dickens conveys Scrooge's Character.  

What serious point is Dickens making about the society of his own day?  

How dose the pursuit of wealth affect people?  

Do you think there are characters like Scrooge alive today?

      As we all know the character Scrooge is a horrible man in the opening paragraph it is obvious the author has worked hard to show how Scrooges love for money has over ruled his life.  There are many ways in which an author conveys a character I am going to discuses them.  The first technique Dickens uses is to tell us directly himself "Oh!  But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone.  Scrooge!  A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner!"  This list of harsh sounding words emphasise the way in which Scrooge likes his own money.  He compares him to an "oyster" so just as an oyster has his shell closed Scrooge has shut down his human contact.

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      Another way of conveying a character is to describe the way he looks.  Scrooge's characteristics are all those in which we associate with a witch "pointed nose", "shrivelled his chin", "red eyes" and "thin lips" he even sounds unpleasant.  We hear about his "grating voice" even in the heat of summer we are told that his office is cold because "He carried his own low temperature always about him."

In general his office reflects the miserable old character.  And it lets in the worst of the weather.  His employee Bob Crattchet works in a "Dismal little cell" ...

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