Despite shared features of history and culture, attitudes towards sex-roles are extremely diverse among Hispanic women.

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Despite shared features of history and culture, attitudes towards sex-roles are extremely diverse among Hispanic women. For instance, some Latin women are willing to endorse "modern" and "liberated" sex-roles concerning education and employment, while maintaining very "traditional," "conservative" positions concerning sexual behaviors or personal relationships. Others are traditional in all respects and still others reject all traditional beliefs concerning the roles of women. Consequently, it is very difficult to discuss the sexuality or sexual behavior of Latin women without the danger of making some sweeping generalizations (Espín 1986, 272).

        You cannot put Chicana sexuality into a neat package.  It is what it is today because of it’s history.  It started with the conquistadors and native peoples of Mexico- a patriarchal civilization subdued by another, often times strengthen the other’s male originated views on what a woman should and should not be.  For example, like the Spanish, the indigenous peoples condemned adultery as well as male homosexuality and divorce.  Sexual violence by Spanish soldiers was used to implement subordinance.  Once the Spanish entered the picture, racism and more sexism produced “the codes of honor and respect” one has to adhere to be called a “buena familia”.  The concept of the macho emerged.  “Although it cannot be denied that our pre-Columbian heritage and the Conquest have had a substantial impact on Mexican culture and on expressions of masculinity, the explanation that appears most plausible is that machismo and the cult of masculinity, in their most extreme and negative form, were introduced to the New World by the Spanish conquistadores. They provided the model of the figure of the negative macho -- daring, arrogant, dominant, insensitive, warring, irreverent, lewd, unpredictable, and lustful men of action who committed numerous chingaderas in the course of the Conquest and in the name of their Christian god.   .”  Even in recent times, the position of women has not revolutionized much.  

        One of the earliest responses to "the monolithic androcentrism" ( Pratt 1993, 863) of the La Raza movement was the manifesto Chicanas Speak Out. Chicanas called for the destruction of religious and cultural myths that constrain female sexuality. They also maintained that marriage has to be transformed, as well as the Catholic Church, or it should stand aside. Even so, La Raza paid no attention, never including this Chicana manifesto into the archives of the Chicano history of the La Raza movement ( Pratt 1993, 861).   “

Chicana sexuality still lacks research and change only comes with learning from mistakes made in the past.

The main cast is predominantly male, but chicana sexuality plays a part through the Mexican urban drama Amores Perros or “Love’s A Bitch”.  First time director Alejandro Gonzaliz Inarritu has fashioned a gloomy visualization of three overlapping plots and three sets of overlapping characters, all severely affected by a horrifying car wreck.  Despite its ominous connotation, it is brilliantly filmed in shades of Mexican colors; scenes of street parties juxtaposed with scenes of seduction, homicide, brutality, and loneliness.  This analysis will concentrate more on the how sex and the role of women are portrayed in the film.  

The audience is thrust into the story through the lens of a shaky, grainy camera, hearing nothing but cursing and frantic male voices.  Two young men around eighteen or nineteen are driving a 70’s black Mercury through a high speed chase dodging cars and the bullets from their assailants, who are careening after them in a red and yellow pick-up truck.  The guy in the passenger’s seat is trying to nurse a bleeding Rottwiler sprawled out in the backseat, tongue out.  He screams to the driver, “What the hell did you do to piss those guys off!?”

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“Nothing!”  cries the other, obviously shaken up.

They briefly manage to escape the gunslingers but almost as soon as they begin to celebrate they see their attackers back in the rear view mirror.  All of a sudden they run a red light a smash into a small white car with a woman inside.  A homeless man with several mutts sees the whole thing.  We hear the woman screaming and banging her bloody hands on the window pleading to be let out of the car while her terrier barks in the background.  All this before we are brought to the first ...

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