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Amisha Patel



                                       PIP AT THE START OF THE NOVEL

        ‘Great Expectations’ is the story about a low, working class boy who, as he grows, is said to achieve great things in life. He changes from being a common boy to a rich gentlemen through the help of his secret benefactor.  The novel covers a variety of themes such as: Love, desire, autobiography, ancestry, education and social conditions. The novel also conforms to the idea of a bildungsroman but it is Dickens writing in the life of Pip. In the novel, Dickens also explores different of Victorian England such as how only rich kids were educated. The working class children only attended a Sunday school if not any. Even though Dickens has written Great Expectations he still keeps it in the form of a Bildungsroman as Pip is the narrator of his own story. This affects the reader because we read the story through Pip’s point of view and we learn about his feelings and thoughts.

        The reader learns from chapter 1 that Pip is an orphan who is living with his sister and her husband. Pip’s portrayed as a timid and diminutive child. When we first meet Pip in the graveyard, the atmosphere is “bleak” and “the wind is rushing”. When Pip meets the convict in the graveyard he “pleads in terror” and says “O! Don’t cut my throat, sir”. This evokes that he’s respectful to his elders as he addresses the convict as “sir”. However, this also suggests that at that present age he has no knowledge or understanding of the Victorian class or Penal System. Pip is made to seem as a pathetic and vulnerable character when we first meet him because he’s portrayed as a weak and feeble child. He’s intimidated by everyone and doesn’t speak up for himself. The reader also learns that Pip is obedient as he agrees to get the items the convict asks for even though he knows he’ll be stealing from his sister. However, this may be because he’s scared but on the contrary he still seems like an obedient child. His behaviour and attitude changes through the story, alongside his identity. As his identity changes his personality does too. He changes from being obedient to disrespectful.

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        “Home had never been a very pleasant place to me, because of my sister’s temper.” This gives the impression that Pip was scared of staying at home and also that his sister treated him badly. This is partly true because “he often served as a connubial missile” and was also hit with a cane called “Tickler”. This supports my statement and suggests that Pip often got beatings. Pip is quite close to Mr Joe Gargery, his sister’s husband, they are great friends. He sticks up for Pip and looks after him quiet well, they have a good relationship. This is ...

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