Discuss Poe's use of Setting.

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Discuss Poe’s use of Setting

In this essay I’ll looking at the stories “The Tell Tale Heart”, “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Black Cat”. I will discuss in detail Edgar Allen Poe’s use of setting in these three stories. Edgar  Allen Poe in a very well known and well respected writer and so gives a lot of attention to detail in his stories and chooses the chooses the setting for them perfectly and explains them with great detail.

        The story “The Tell Tale Heart” is set at midnight to give it a sense of mystery and horror. The story “The Cast of Amontillado” is set in the evening and the last story that I’m studying “The Black Cat” is the longer of the three and so there’s many different setting. These settings include when the main character returns home one night much intoxicated on alcohol or when the main character sits in a “den of infamy”.

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 Poe uses setting in his stories in very diverse ways, to develop themes, express a state of mind and to create horror. He uses different types of setting for example physical setting and location, setting of time and setting of the psychological mind of the narrator. These three types of setting work together to produce elements of the genre of gothic literature and also to reflect incidents and influences of Poe’s life. . In a way Poe’s real life reflects the lives of the characters in his stories for example he was a heavy drinker, his marriage was troubled and ...

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