Discuss Shakespeare's Presentation Of Lady Macbeth In Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 5 Scene 1 of "Macbeth" - Account For The Changes and Differences You Notice and How A Contemporary As Well As A Modern Audience Might Respond To These Scenes.

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Discuss Shakespeare’s Presentation Of Lady Macbeth In Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 5 Scene 1 of “Macbeth”. Account For The Changes and Differences You Notice and How A Contemporary As Well As A Modern Audience Might Respond To These Scenes

In the play “Macbeth”, Lady Macbeth is a character that plays an integral role throughout the play. During the play she undergoes a significant character change that ultimately leads to her death.

In act 1 scene 5 Lady Macbeth enters Macbeth’s castle with a letter. You can tell that she gets very excited about the fact that Macbeth has become Thane of Cawdor. She also seems to get excited about the fact that “the weird sisters” said that Macbeth was to be king. You can see that she is happy about this because she says, “Thou wouldst be great”. This means that she wants him to be great so she can be great aswell. She then tries to work out how Macbeth would achieve the goal of becoming king, and whether he would use unfair methods. She says, “ Wouldst not play false and yet wouldst wrongly win.” This means that Macbeth wouldn’t cheat or deceive, but would accept what was given to him unfairly. Lady Macbeth then goes on to say, “That I may pour my spirits in thine ear.” Here, she is trying to say that she will influence Macbeth’s thoughts and feelings so that he will kill in order to become king. She then says, “And chastise with the valour of my tongue, all that impedes thee from the golden round.” This means that she will do anything in her powers to stop anyone that impedes them from getting to the throne. In that soliloquy you can see that Lady Macbeth is determined to be queen and will do anything she can to persuade Macbeth to be king by any means.

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A messenger then enters and brings good news for Lady Macbeth. He says that Duncan will come to a banquet at Macbeth’s castle. When Lady Macbeth is on her own she responds to this by saying, “That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan.” She then seems to ask god to make her cruel. For example, “ Fill me from the crown to the toe, top full of direst cruelty.” This shows that she isn’t naturally malicious because she is asking for cruelty as opposed to her already having it. When Macbeth enters and says that Duncan will leave tomorrow, Lady ...

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