Discuss the different ways these characters speak about love and marriage: Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, Mercutio, and Lady Capulet.

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Discuss the different ways these characters speak about love and marriage: Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, Mercutio, and Lady Capulet.

In the play many characters are in love or claim to be in love. Romeo starts off in love with Rosaline but quickly changes his views when he meets Juliet, he seems to not really know what love is or he only has a small understanding off it. Paris claims to be in love with Juliet but Juliet does not seem to fully understand what love is or whether she actually wants to be in love. Lady Capulet and Montague claim to be in love but have a strange way of showing this maybe because of their age difference. Lady Montague and Montague claim to be in love also this could be the same as the Capulets because of the age difference between them. Mercutio claims to have had a rough turn with love and so stays away from it and talks in riddles about it. The Nurse talks openly with Juliet about love and often makes bawdy jokes about Juliet or her and when her husband was alive.

Romeo seems very definite at the beginning of the play that he is in love and shows all the "typical" symptoms of being in love. He is very quite and keeps himself to himself and likes to have little communication with his friends and family. His views on Rosaline change very quickly and within one night of meeting Juliet he has already exchanged marriage vows with her. He seems to be very fickle about love as even though he was definitely in love with Rosaline he forgets her very quickly and never mentions her again. This is like the Nurse as when she finds out that Romeo has been banished she changes her views to Juliet as she was telling her how perfect Romeo was but then she changes her views and tells Juliet to marry Paris. He contradicts what he says which makes him even more fickle. I think that he deliberately picked Rosaline to fall in "love" with, as he knows that he can never have her. This makes it seem as though Romeo only likes the idea of being in love but when he meets Juliet this maybe another way for him to fall in love and never be able to have her, but this is changed very quickly. He got very caught up in the flow off all the fighting and arguing between the two families that he needed a way to show that he had had enough of it. This seems like a very drastic way to show this, as not only is he using Juliet to do it he is putting himself into a very drastic position.
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He acts very drastically in difficult situations, as when he goes to see Juliet in the tomb he is very quick to kill himself without waiting to actually see what the situation is.

Juliet is also quick to act like Romeo, as she does not stop to think what the consequences would be if she got married to Romeo she just decided that that was what the best thing to do was. I think the idea of love didn't really appeal to her and that because she had seen how unhappy her mother and father were ...

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