Discuss the dramatic significance of Act 1. How is the theme of opposition explored? In the first act of Shakespeare's tragic play, 'Othello', there is a great deal of drama created

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Discuss the dramatic significance of Act 1. How is the theme of opposition explored?

In the first act of Shakespeare’s tragic play, ‘Othello’, there is a great deal of drama created. As this play is a revenge tragedy, it is evident that there will be a large amount of drama and excitement throughout. The opening act of ‘Othello’ is dramatically significant for several reasons, from the themes and issues covered in the act, to the setting and characters involved. The playwright uses many dramatic devices such as lighting, weather and time to set the scene and build up this tension. Shakespeare’s use of imagery and language in the play also helps to produce dramatic effects. This opening is also important as it establishes the audience’s views of the characters.

In the opening scene of ‘Othello’, the playwright immediately begins building up drama. The scene begins with the argument between Roderigo and Iago, on a street in Venice. Roderigo is aggravated by Othello’s marriage to Desdemona, and Iago is irritated, as he has not been chosen for the post of lieutenant. The rhythm of this dialogue would be fast, to show that the two characters are edgy and Shakespeare has purposely chosen to open the play in the middle of a heated conversation for its dramatic effect. Roderigo’s first dialogue begins with “Tush” a profanity, which gives the audience drama from the start. The opening scene is also important in the introduction of two of the main characters, Iago and Roderigo. Shakespeare uses the opening scene to build the character of the villain, Iago, who is portrayed as a very manipulative, deceiving, and scheming character.

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The playwright frequently explores the theme of opposition, from the binary opposites such as black and white to the opposites of war such as Venice and Turkey. The wars between Venice and Turkey commenced at the end of the sixteenth century. Cyprus is the setting for every act excluding the first, and Cyprus was attacked and conquered by Turkey in the early 1570’s. Shakespeare used this setting as it allowed the plot to intertwine and develop into a tragedy. Another reason in which there is a war is to show Othello’s importance to Venice as a general. This is ...

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