Discuss the Dramatic Significance of Act 1 Scene 5 in the Play Romeo and Juliet

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Helen Tiffney 10DM         Abbey Grange High School            16th November 2005

Discuss the Dramatic Significance of Act 1 Scene 5 in the Play Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays and even though it was written many years ago, it is still very popular today. Many people can relate to the play as it still covers popular issues in modern society such as young love and violence between different groups of people.

  It is one of Shakespeare’s earlier tragedies and we can tell this because the protagonist is not completely to blame for his downfall because there are external influences such as fate and the family feud. This is different to Shakespeare’s later tragedies, where the protagonist has a main weakness and this causes them to fall from power due to their own fault alone. Romeo and Juliet is not as developed as this and although Romeo has the weakness of being tempestuous, there are also external influences.

  Act 1 Scene 5 is dramatically significant because it is a fast moving scene. The servants are rushing around and trying to get everything ready for the ball. The scene is domestic and shows that the ball is important because it shows family unity. A ball has not happened for a long time in the family so they are trying to make sure everything is perfect. The play was written at the time of patriarchal society, where men had all the power. Lord Capulet holds the ball to show his own wealth and authority as well as to show that he is a generous person. This links to the fact that marriages were arranged at that time and is another reason for Lord Capulet to hold the ball. He wanted to find a suitable husband for Juliet and by holding a ball to show his wealth, other wealthy people would attend and this would hopefully find Juliet a ‘suitable’ husband. This is shown in the part of the scene where the nurse talks about  ‘chinks’.

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“I tell you, he that can lay hold of her

Shall have the chinks.”

By saying this she is telling Romeo that Juliet’s future husband will only be suitable and accepted if he is wealthy.

  The scene is also significant because it ends the exposition. By the end of the scene the audience knows who all the characters are and how their relationships are linked. This affects the rest of the play and after this scene, the conflict can begin because the audience are prepared and understand who each character is.

   The themes are also highlighted in ...

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