Discuss the emotions presented in at least three of Seamus Heaney’s poems including “Mid Term Break”.

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Discuss the emotions presented in at least three of Seamus Heaney’s poems including “Mid Term Break”.

        Seamus Heaney has many different emotions littered throughout many of his poems. Strong emotions can be seen in the poems “Death of a Naturalist” “Blackberry Picking” “Mid Term Break” “Follower” and “Digging”. In “Follower” and “Digging” Heaney displays emotions of admiration as he describes his father on the farm. Whilst in “Mid Term Break” he feels sadness as he writes about the death of his brother. In “Death of a Naturalist” he feels happiness and delight when collecting frogspawn but fear during an encounter with frogs and in “Blackberry Picking” he feels joy and happiness when he picks blackberries but pain and anguish when they rot. All these emotions are conveyed through the poems, which gives you a vivid encounter of Heaney growing up.

        Happiness is a strong emotion exhibited during Heaney’s poems. This is evident in the poem “Blackberry Picking” where Heaney shows great delight in picking the berries. Heaney describes the taste of the berries as, “its flesh was sweet”. This sensuous image is so powerful the reader can almost taste the berry. The word “flesh” portrays how juicy and pulpy the fruit is. The berries were so nice they left Heaney with a, “lust for picking”. This shows how Heaney had a desperate urge for picking. The word “lust” indicates how Heaney had a strong desire to pick and he found great joy out of doing so. This happiness and joy is also included in “Death of a Naturalist” where Heaney feels at peace with the natural world. At the start of the poem Heaney creates a very enjoyable and comfortable world with all of nature around him, “spotted butterflies”, “bubbles gargled delicately”. This tells us how Heaney feels pleasure for all of the country. This is also shown with what Heaney likes the best, “warm thick slobber/ Of frogspawn”. The “warm thick slobber” shows how Heaney can remember the exact details of the delightful occasion. Heaney feels great delight in collecting the frogspawn and really enjoys this. With Heaney loving all the country around him and the desire to collect the different things he show us how happy he is in his childhood.

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        Another emotion displayed by Heaney is admiration. He shows this admiration for his father and his strength and skill in the poem “Digging”,

“Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds / Bends low comes up twenty years away”. The word “straining” indicates how hard his father worked pushing himself to the limit. The word “rump” describes the rear of an animal, so shows how Heaney’s father was like a bull or donkey and was powerful and strong. The second half of the quote, “comes up twenty years away” shows how long his father had been working. This portrays how ...

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