Discuss the importance of Act 3, Scene 5 with particular reference to the characters of Juliet and lord Capulet.

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G.C.S.E. English Literature Assignment

Assignment: Discuss the importance of Act 3, Scene 5 with particular reference to the characters of Juliet and lord Capulet.

Romeo and Juliet is a romance/tragedy by William Shakespeare set in the Italian post medieval city of Verona based on two lovers named Romeo (from the house of Montague) and Juliet (from the house of Capulet) who are hampered by their families hate for each other and are forced to death because of their families' conflict. This play brings up key themes hate and love throughout the play.

This essay will discuss the importance of Act 3, Scene 5 to the story of 'Romeo and Juliet', it will give historical views at the time 'Romeo and Juliet' was made and will also discuss the creation of characters that appear in the scene.

Act 3, Scene 5 starts with Romeo and Juliet together after they've spent the night together after their wedding. Romeo wants to leave because he knows the grave danger he is in while he stays with Juliet, because of certain events in previous scenes. Juliet is defiant to Romeo leaving and doesn't want him to leave even though he is in danger while he stays with her. Romeo eventually leaves and Juliet is dismayed because she knows this will be the last time she sees Romeo because he has been banished because of events in previous scenes.

After this Juliet's mother enters and she is told that her father, Lord Capulet, has arranged a marriage for her with Paris. Juliet rebels against this because she is already in love with and married Romeo but she can't tell her family this because of the hatred between the two families. Lady Capulet is enraged and Lord Capulet enters who expects Juliet will jump at the chance to marry Paris. When he finds out she has rejected his proposals he is also enraged and doesn't believe that she has rejected him, he tells her that she will marry Paris. When she thanks him for the opportunity but still rejects him Capulet throws insults at Juliet and he tells her that he wished he'd never had Juliet.

'Wife, we scare thought us blest That God had lent us but this only child, But now I see this one is too much,' Lines 164-166.

Further on in the scene Capulet tells Juliet that if she does not marry Paris then he will not let her back into the family.

'And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets, For my soul, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee,' Lines 192-193.
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Juliet begs to her mother one last time to delay the marriage but is ignored and Lady Capulet washes her hands of Juliet

'Talk to me not, for I'll not speak a word Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee' Lines 202-203.

After this Juliet turns to the one person she has left the Nurse but she is advised by the Nurse to marry Paris. Juliet is not comforted and she shows her negative feelings towards the Nurse

'Ancient damnation! O most wicked fiend!' Line 234.

As the scene closes Juliet ...

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