Discuss the importance of the trial scene as part of Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice

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Discuss the importance of the trial scene as part of Shakespeares play The Merhant of Venice

The trial scene is a very important scene in The Merchant of Venice. The secen is the most dramatic and tense scene in the play. The audience are unable to anticipate the outcome as ther are so many dramatic twists and developments. The trial scene is very important to the play as it develops many of the most important themes in the play, justice, mercy and revenge. The story of the trial could also have been describing the Christian society at the time.
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Shylock believes that he is in the right from the start of the scene. He is waiting for the law to confirm that he is in the right. "I stand here for law." The Christians wan to deny him the "pound of fair flesh." However "no lawful means" can carry Antonio out of the situation. He has givern up as he feels that there is no law that can save him, he is left "to suffer quietness of spirit."

When Portia enters the scene she appears to recognise law and shylock compliments her for this "o wise ...

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