Discuss the techniques which affect the management of tension in ‘The Red Room’ and ‘Farthing House’.

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Discuss the techniques which affect the management of tension in ‘The Red Room’ and ‘Farthing House’.

The word ‘Ghost’ can be described as many things; an illusion, a spirit, a sinister supernatural hallucination, a shadow, or even a figment of your imagination.  All these words resemble a part of fear.

Are there Ghosts?

Have you ever seen a Ghost?

Your answer to ‘Are there Ghosts?’ will probably be negative or vague, but a lot of people have had that moment in their life when they are unsure of what they have seen, this very moment can make it hard to answer ‘Have you ever seen a Ghost?’

A second word which is familiar with the word ‘Ghost’ is ‘Fear’, deep down everybody has a fear, which can be all in your imagination, your head may think in a rational mature way but your imagination paints the worst and most ridiculous picture.

Perspiration on the forehead, high-speed beating of the heart, shaking hands, and breathlessness are all signs of nervousness, it is about being that frightened that you are unable to open your eyes for fear of what you might see but too frightened to closes your eyes in fear of what your mind is telling you may happen.

Some people are more logical when talking about Ghosts:

“They are just the use of our imagination“

“They are not real“

“They are what Writer’s have created to scare the likes of us“

Yet, when you are put in the situation of unfamiliar surroundings where the slight creek of a staircase can send you into an uneasiness, the experience can make you change your mind about ‘Ghosts being the use of your imagination’. 

An experience of the ‘Supernatural’ can send your mind on a rollercoaster of fear, panic, worry and horror, the phobia of the unfamiliar is so strong, it can send a person off the edge.

This is what H.G. Wells (The Red Room) and Susan Hill (Farthing House) try to do, in the use of shadows and language they are creating the illusion of fear to unleash inside us.

‘The Red Room’ by H.G. Wells shows a conservative look to Ghosts.  The Narrator is an up-right man who acts in a pompous manner.  He goes into the room big-headed, yet when he wakes up, he is a new man, he understands the fear inside and he becomes more mature, the below quote backs this up:

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‘“I can assure you,’ said I ‘that it will take a very tangible Ghost to frighten me”...“The worst of all things that haunt poor mortal man’ said I ‘and that is, all in its nakedness-Fear!”’

The above two quotes show how he has grown from leaving the room and how the experience has opened his eyes.  He uses the first quote at the beginning of ‘The Red Room’, this complex sentence gives an edginess to the story as it is broken up into pieces.

H.G. Well’s Victorian Language is shown in the story as you can see the ...

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