Discussing 'The Crow Road' by lain Banks.

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The Crow Road

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In the novel 'The Crow Road' by lain Banks there are four deaths which I feel are very important. However, the death which I feel is most significant in the novel is that of Prentice’s father, Kenneth. This death is significant because it is relevant to the development of Prentice’s character, the themes in the novel and the method of narration.

In the beginning of the novel the main character, Prentice McHoan is set almost a quest by his Grandma, who has died, to find out what has really happened to his uncle and her son Rory .Rory disappeared years ago and no-one knows if he is dead or alive. During the novel Prentices father, Kenneth dies and this leaves Prentice feeling distraught as this means he will never be able to resolve the ongoing feud between him and his father over religion and their beliefs. By the end of the novel Prentice and the reader find out Rory had been murdered years ago. 

I feel Kenneth's death is very significant as it affects and develops Prentice's character. At the beginning of the novel we see a very immature Prentice, who does not seem to care about his studies at University and is drinking quite a bit, 

'1 was drunk. It was getting on towards midnight. ..1' d had about ten pints of export...Swilling back the Urvill's whisky for a significant part of the afternoon.' 

This turns out to be typical of Prentice’s behaviour and attitude at this time.We are also shown his 'love' for his cousin Verity. Although he really does think he loves her it is clear to the reader it is merely infatuation,

 'Verity walker. Eating my heart out. Consuming my soul.' 'I'm in love. I love her. I'm hers...take me. Put me out of my misery. O God. '

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This sort of over the top language shows it is just infatuation compared to that of his more mature love for Ashley later in the novel,

 '...suddenly say I love you. ..felt like the most natural thing in the world to say. ..'

Prentice' s jealousy of his older brother, Lewis, is another example of his immaturity. Lewis is a reasonably successful stand up comedian and Prentice is consumed with jealousy over his big brother’s success,

'my elder sibling was in fact a vainglorious egomaniac with a runaway sarcasm problem'

 and when Lewis ...

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