Do animals have rights? If so, how do we define them? Are they different from human rights? If so, how? Why?

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Do animals have rights? If so, how do we define them? Are they different from human rights? If so, how? Why?

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. ” —Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

 UN Laws under the article of human rights begins with these clauses: Human rights refer to the supposed "basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled.” We all have the right to education, food and other daily needs. We respect our own rights and we try to accept rights of other mammals existing on our planet.  

Animal rights activists state that humans should have an approach towards animal rights the same as to human rights. After all, animals also deserve the basic right to freedom to life. We cannot treat animals just any way we please.. Hence, we should understand this issue because it is very important that we know how to treat animals. All of as, as living creatures, are fundamentally the same and we need to at least not cause unnecessary pain.

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There are lots of things going on about animal rights though, personally, my opinion is that animals do not have some “special” rights. In order to have rights you have to respect the rights of others. Cats do not respect  the rights of a mouse. A wild dog would happily kill and eat another animal. If one person kills someone else, society will punish that person. A dog could kill another dog, and “dog society” wouldn’t do anything about it. Rights as we know them, are just an agreements that we make with each other. A dog, a cat, a ...

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