Do you agree that a citizen's wife in Athens had a miserable life?

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Sarah Gupta 10PTN                10.1.1 BRD                

Do you agree that a citizen’s wife in Athens had a miserable life?

In Athens the wives of citizens led a very different life than the wives of today lead. Some people may see their lives as boring and miserable but others believe it was not that way. In this essay I will discuss both sides of the argument.

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Women in Athens were very rarely allowed to leave the house and therefore they were stuck in the oikos all day, everyday (except at festivals). The purpose of this was to give them protection from other men. Although this was a very effective method of keeping men away it is seen by some people as unjust as they were therefore kept in the oikos at all times and prevented from socialising with other men or women. The door to the oikos were deliberately off centre so that it was very hard for passers by to see in and catch a ...

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