Don't get me started on smoking

Authors Avatar by hiyashannon (student)

Please don’t even get me started on smoking, it’s just one of things that really irritate and confuse me. I mean, why do people feel the need to smoke? All it does is leads to cancer and death unless you’re a lucky person. There are a number of issues and concerns around smoking, the list is endless. I personally think smoking is one of the most pointless and pathetic habits therefore I’ve chosen to write an article about the subject to express my feelings.

Firstly, don’t you just hate it when you’re sitting there minding your own business and someone next to you is smoking! The smoker’s residue is blowing in your face, I mean if I wanted to smoke I’d have my own cigarette I don’t need your second hand smoke thank you very much.  And while I’m on the subject of second hand smoking I think it’s absolutely disgusting when adults smoke around children as they are under a lot of danger and have no choice as to whether or not if they want to be exposed to the harmful chemicals, it’s incredibly selfish and self-centred not forgetting to mention irresponsible. And not only that, the smell is revolting, it sticks to your skin, clothes, hair, household and makes your breath stink surely you don’t want to smell of an ash tray? Because I know for sure I would not like to kiss someone that smells of an ashtray, its super unattractive if you ask me. And not forgetting your sense of taste and smell becomes dulled. Enjoyment of food could potentially be reduced and everyone loves to appreciate and enjoy their food I’m sure you’ll agree.

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Furthermore, if you’re a regular smoker be prepared for wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, having yellow teeth and nails. Watch your skin go pale, sag and turn grayish and leathery. Expect yourself to look 10 to 20 more years older than your natural age, congratulations and have fun with that.

However, I suppose some of the chemicals give you what a five minute buzz? But I don’t really think you can class that as a good buzz when you’ve got at least 4,000 chemicals in your cigarette such as rat poison, tar, bleach and cadmium (found in batteries) the ...

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