Doorways - creative writing

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Short Story

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English Short Story


Have you ever felt like you don’t belong in the world you’ve been placed in?  Everyday the world around me isn’t mine; I’m an intruder in my own life.  Life never meant living; life meant searching for something else, something real.  It was illusions of other places, rippling on the surface of my mind.  My life was always a line of maybes, never anything solid to grasp onto.  I travelled through life looking through a window and I longed to feel what it was like on the outside, with the sun.

Last night, I discovered a hidden mirror into a corridor of worlds; I stepped through the looking glass, into a secret.  Doors stood towering in front of me, taunting me through their closed perspectives.  Suspended milk tipped clouds hung in the icy sky; I knew I was at the edge of reality.  The walls were a figment of the imagination; I could slide my fingertips through, into the fabric of another world.  Standing behind these doorways lay other worlds, other lives, something real.  I was to choose, paused in time for what had surrounded my life.  A purpose.  That sensation of nothingness I had carried meant something more, I had meaning.

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A corridor of worlds, a thousand doorways, a thousand choices.

 They assign you a world, and him, God, one of the other illusions, and he calls them angels, the drifters between the corridor and life.  Beings of purity, they glide in and out of the walls, blurred between the lines of heaven and earth.  They shine with such a childlike innocence, blessed ones, sweet with youth.  They shimmered in and out of my focus, so close yet so untouchable, merging into the glossy realities of the corridor.  I'm still standing here, conversing with angels.

An angel turns to me; her ...

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