Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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"Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde"

'How does Robert Louis Stevenson explore the duality of human nature in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?'

My coursework is based on the book "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" written by Robert Louis Stevenson. I will be answering the following question 'How does Robert Louis Stevenson explore the duality of human nature in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?'

The book is about duality, this means two sides, two personalities. But everyone has a good side and an evil side. Duality means that there is one person, but has two sides, a bit like two personalities. You can have a kind heart, and help people by day, and then become mean and horrible at night. Stevenson chose to do this subject because it reminds him of his own life. When he was seventeen years of age, studying at Edinburgh University, and he was a respected man by day, and debauched by night. In the novel, Jekyll says, "man is not truly one, but truly two." What he means is that everyone, no matter how kind, polite, or even how mean you are, you still have an evil and a good side.

In the Victorian times, Christians believed that good and evil were emphasized by stories of angels and devils. Angels are good, like helping you through illness and heart breaks (good side), and the devils are bad, they cause illness and mischief over the world.

The science theory from Charles Darwin threatened the Christians belief that God created us in his own image by telling them that we were descended from apes. Charles Darwin came to the conclusion with reasons, and one reason was because human's are very polite, nature loving, and caring, and apes are crazy, and love getting into trouble. So basically, we have a 'human' side, and an 'ape' side. This is what frightened the Victorians because all their life, they have believed that God had created them, and then suddenly, Darwin have this 'crazy' theory saying that they were descended from apes.
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The story's based on Jekyll and Hyde, two personalities, but with one person. Jekyll wants to bring the bad side out of him, and at the same time, have his appearance changed so that no one would recognize him, and so that no one would describe as a cruel and defiant man. A quote from the story, Jekyll says, 'And it chanced that the direction of my scientific studies, which led wholly towards the mystic and the transcendental, reacted and the shed a strong light on this consciousness of the perennial was among my members.' The quote tells ...

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