Dracula and the gothic horror genre.

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Dracula and the gothic horror genre  

Gothic horror is believed to have been invented by the man Harrance Walpole in the year 1974, gothic horror is the belief of darkness, vampires and the usual characteristics such as werewolves etc… gothic horror features could also be listed as supernatural the ability to do something different abnormal if you like a gothic horror story you would expect to be set in a dark place normally trees with the howling of the werewolves leading up to the huge stereotypical castle.

The two characters we meet in the opening of the novel ‘Dracula’ are Jonathan Harker and the man him self Dracula they are both portrayed I believe to fit the gothic horror genre. The author Bram stoker has achieved this by showing Jonathan Harker as an up to date and modern man he doesn’t live in the ages and he doesn’t carry superstitions and past beliefs we have evidence of this when Jonathan Harker stays in the hotel in Bristrits in Romania with the bus full of cross languages and characters and whilst looking through his well prepared language translator finds the words devil and evil these are the two most important words when relating to the gothic horror genre.. Jonathan Harker has strong beliefs in new technologies and very much trusts them he is also a very organised man we know this because at the beginning of the play when Jonathan Harker is sent on his journey to meet the count in Transylvania he goes to the library or museum as it is mentioned and looks for information on the place, it just happens that the place ‘Transylvania’ is mysterious and unknown creating an even bigger impression towards the gothic horror genre. Jonathan Harker also prepares more than usual because he is going to meet a noble man a man of class and pride this shows that Jonathan harker believes in the division of classes.

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He also when visiting places comments on the food as we know because he comments on the paprika in the hotel in Bristrits he also comments on clothing and the accommodation, Jonathan also feels uncomfortable when taking possessions from people I picked up on this when the old lady from the hotel insists him to stay but he disagrees and the old lady replies with the gift of a cross necklace but he doesn’t want to be rude so he takes her gift.

He also keeps a journal in short hand and as I mentioned before he comments on ...

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