Dreams are the significant theme in Steinbeck's

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The term “American Dream” became popular in the 17th century when the first settlers arrived in America. Their dreams were to make their fortune in the gold fields in the land of opportunity. However for many of them the dream became a nightmare. “Of Mice and Men”, written by John Steinbeck is set in 1930 in California, when the American people were suffering from a great recession. During those times which are known as “Great Depression”, the price of farm crops fall calamitously because of the economic effects of the First World War. Many people felt as if they were being strangled by the disaster of being jobless. The crash in the stock market made things even worse. Many independent farmers lost their farms because they were not able to pay their debts to the banks. Therefore numerous workers swarmed towards the prosperous states of California to escape from the horror of starving, the pinch of indigence and in the hope of better life and work.  Many American workers, especially farmers, believed that the only way to success was to buy land in California.

In period of such affliction period, Steinbeck wrote his masterpiece “Of Mice and Men” and presented to world the American dream and the struggle to attain it. Many of the characters in this novel yearn for their own dreams to become reality. George and Lennie, the main characters conjure up images of their own land where they can be their own bosses. They are two of the itinerant workers who travel together from ranch to ranch, desperate for money to attain their dream. This dream belongs mostly to George because Lennie with his child-like mentality can only keep in his mind one aspect of the dream. He just plays the role of “tendin’ the rabbits” in their dream land. Lennie is absolutely obsessed by petting rabbits and he always begs George to restate the frequently repeated dream: “come on, George. Tell me. Please, George. Like you done before.” (Page 15) and every time George repeats their dream; “… we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and live fatta the lan…” (Page 16). For George owning land means not having to answer to anyone and being his own boss. He continuously thinks about a time when he will be able to do whatever he desires to, where he can be prosperous for ever and where he may share his life with a wife and make his life colourful. At first their dream seems to be like a glimmer of hope, the glimmer becomes more intense when they meet Candy, another afflicted worker, who lost one of his arms on the ranch. He has got almost enough money to buy a small farm. When George and Lennie share their dream with Candy, the dream seems likely to come true. They tolerate any difficulties to achieve their dream, but unfortunately just when it seems as if it really will come true, disaster strikes Lennie. Curley’s wife invites him to pet her “soft hair”. Lennie pets her harder and harder. She tries to stop him and accidentally gets killed by Lennie. When Curley’s wife is discovered by Candy and George, their whole dream is shattered. When George meets up with Lennie after the accident, George knows he is not going to achieve his dream. George also knows Curley is desperately looking for Lennie to take revenge with his shotgun. So George decides do his friend a last favour, a painless death. As George gets ready to kill Lennie, he tells Lennie one last time about their dream and lets Lennie to dies with the hope of their dream. When he dies the dream shatters for George too.  

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Candy doesn’t seem to have any dreams at the beginning. He is an old worker on the ranch and he has lost one of his arms in an accident. One night Lennie asks George to express their dream in the bunk house. As George describes the dream they both get excited about their future and they get so wrapped up in the dream that they forget someone else is there. When he learns what George and Lennie’s dream is, he wants to go along and be involved to. He is not satisfied with his life on the ranch and ...

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