Due to the nature of Macbeth's downfall it would be difficult to blame a single person for his downfall.

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Due to the nature of Macbeth's downfall it would be difficult to blame a single person for his downfall. The main characters that were at fault in Macbeth's downfall were The Witches, Lady Macbeth and of course Macbeth himself but who is to blame the most out of the three?

The Witches played a big part in Macbeth's downfall, as they were the first characters who influenced Macbeth as they met him at the start of the story. The Witches were determined from the start to influence Macbeth's way in life, they intended to meet with him from the start to begin the downfall of Macbeth, "There to meet with Macbeth". Before they started putting ideas into his head they had to make sure that he was willing to listen to them so they waited until he was sure of his abilities, so they only started influencing him after the battle against Norway where he shone. As Macbeth would not normally listen to the telling of the Witches, they had to cleverly mix the truth and things that had not happened yet to gain his confidence. They influenced Macbeth's first thoughts of killing Duncan as they first told him that he would be Thane of Cawdor, and he already was but he did not know yet. They then said that he will be King, that would have triggered his thoughts later on when he found out he was Thane of Cawdor. "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis, hail to thee Thane of Cawdor, All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter".

Although they did not directly tell Macbeth to kill King Duncan it gave him the idea. After Macbeth received the news that he was Thane of Cawdor he built a trust with the Witches as he now thought they were right about everything. Macbeth then thought about becoming King, he partially expected Duncan to name him as King until he picked Malcolm "The Prince of Cumberland, that is a step I must o'erleap". He then knew he was not within a chance of becoming King.. The Witches are determined to let Macbeth complete his "tasks" that they have set him, so they indirectly tell Macbeth to kill Banquo by telling Macbeth that Banquo's sons will be Kings. This prevents Banquo stopping Macbeth when he might have. The Witches also stop Macbeth from wanting to walk out on this by making him overconfident by telling him that "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth". They also tell him that " Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him". These predictions make Macbeth overconfident, as he believes that these things are impossible realistically. But he does not think of what they may really mean. This then leads to the death of Macbeth in the final act as Macbeth prepares to fight the English army lead by Malcolm. The English army camouflage themselves using branches from Great Birnam wood so that it appears that the forest is moving up to Dunsinane hill. Macbeth is finally killed by Macduff who was born by a Caesarean operation and therefore he was not of woman born.
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The Witches played a big part in Macbeth's downfall as they kept Macbeth going but at the same time confused him into thinking that he was invincible but he was clearly not.

Unlike the Witches Lady Macbeth did not set out to ruin Macbeth's life, she did not contribute to Macbeth's downfall until after the meeting with the witches. But Lady Macbeth on the other hand has a more direct influence on Macbeth, as she is closer to him. From the start we learn that she is more powerfully minded than Macbeth is as she is ...

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