During my essay I am going to discuss how Charles Dickens creates tension throughout "The Signalman".

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During my essay I am going to discuss how Charles Dickens creates tension throughout “The Signalman”.

Dickens establishes effective methods using setting & character throughout the story to create expectation & tension.

The story is told in first person narrative, this is effective and continuously creates expectation as the reader feels more involved with the story.
We are told this is a gothic story by the introduction to the dark, foreboding atmosphere at the immediate beginning of the story.

The setting is described as "clammy",  "solitary" & "dismal" and is at one stage compared to a "dungeon". This vocabulary is used right throughout the story and plays an important role towards mystery, constant expectation and a sense of mystery.

At the beginning, Dickens uses direct speech to attract the reader’s attention with the visitor quoting the phrase “Halloa Bellow there!”  
Because the reader is not told who or what is being spoken to (this phrase later plays an important role in the story). The signalman does not reply to the visitor for another 3 pages, even though the he later repeats himself.

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During this time a train passes beneath the two, being described as “a violent pulsation” and “a force causing to draw me down”. This event is suggested as the sensation of perhaps ‘falling to hell’, or being possessed by a supernatural existence.

After the visitor repeats his question, Dickens addresses the signalman’s body language and facial expressions as the visitor approaches him. The signalman is extremely cautious of the visitor, this is where Dickens first introduces the suspicion of a ghost in the story, without directly addressing it. Why is this random stranger so interested in a simple signalman? “A ...

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