Educating Rita is a comedy brought by the clash of two different people from two different backgrounds, but is that where the appeal ends?

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Educating Rita is a comedy brought by the clash of two different people from two different backgrounds, but is that where the appeal ends?

Educating Rita is a play which was considered at first inappropriate and was condemned by many people; however over time people began to understand the importance of the play and it was named the best comedy of the year in 1980. Now it is a good literary base for many students studying English.

   Although as the title of my essay suggest this play is a comedy I do not believe that is where it ends. There are many interweaving story lines which have relevance which cannot be considered as comical but more inspirational. One of these issues is the relationship between Frank and Rita: Teacher and student. At the beginning of the play Frank appears bemused as Rita Is his first open university student. Her constant swearing leaves her saying that “I didn’t, I was just testin’ y’”.

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   It needs to be known that at the beginning of the play both Frank and Rita have partners although it is apparent that Frank isn’t happy with his relationship as right at the beginning we hear the conversation with his partner: “I distintly remember saying that I would be late… yes yes, I will probably shall go to the pub afterwards”. He is getting pressure from her although Rita someone fresh and new gives him “a breath of fresh air”. These parts cannot be considered comedy but more as a commen situation that can be found anywhere but is ...

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