Eighteen - creative writitng.

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The wind blew a strong surge of sand into Michael’s face. Sand stuck like glue to Michael’s face as the tears were saturated with it. Seagulls hovered above Owens limp and lifeless corpse like vultures eyeing their prey.

‘He’ll be happy now, he’ll be happy now.’ Michael thought to himself, over and over again reassuring himself that he had done the right thing, to kill the guiltiness inside of his broken heart. Michael walked towards the sand dunes where Owen spent his last remaining minutes with Michael. He put his hand down on the spot where Owen last had taken his fit, unbeknown to him that he would be in eternal happiness in minutes. Michael grabbed a hand full of sand letting it slip between his fingers as he had done with Owens life. Crying, Michael stood up straight and glanced at the beach below. Flashes of his time with Owen came back to memory. His facial reaction to hear that he was going to go to Highbury to see Arsenal play, but yet he remembered Owen taking his most serious fit yet and trying not to be seen by the police.

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More gulls hovered around Owen but being weary as if he would spring back to life any moment. Michael wiped his face with a clenched fist only then to realise that his nails were cutting his palm. Seawater and sand stung the cuts but Michael totally ignored the pain when he had noticed an elderly couple getting out off their car carrying a picnic basket and rug. Michael ran towards Owens body and crouched down to pick him up. He stared at Owens face, pale and lifeless but once filled with redness and laughter sometimes pain. Never the less he ...

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