English Coursework: Romeo and Juliet

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DAVID ADEROJU                10R


In Filming Shakespeare’s play Davies said that “A film must open with immediate impact.” Consider two filmed treatments of the Prologue and appraise the impact that they make.

The two films, which of Zefferelli’s and Luhrmann’s were made at almost thirty years apart, the Luhrmann’s version was made thirty years after Zefferelli’s version. The two versions of the films are totally different from one another, apart from the practice of Shakespeare’s verbal skill (speaking in rhythms/poetry). Each director had his own point of view in the film Romeo and Juliet, one director sets his version of the film in the advanced world and the other in the aged world, but both have still got the same story-line.

In the Prologue Shakespeare tells us about the history of the two families and what has to happen in order for the two families to unite together. He tells us how a city called Verona in America got tattered separately by two families Montagues and Capulets because of the abhorrence with one another. The quarrel began so far back that neither one of them knows what began the controversy. He also tells us about how both the families’ children fall in love and everything goes wrong; very wrong. “From forth the fatal lions of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life”. 

 It was dangerous for people to work in the streets if they were not a member or a servant of one of the families. The members of these two families Montagues and Capulets had to walk with a rapier or a dagger and often walk in large groups, when there are wars going on, they have to walk in large groups. The Prologue tells us what will happen and what is going to happen before we even see the play. Shakespeare deliberately does this because he wants us to start asking question, as we know what’s going to happen and we want to find out how.

This makes us much more fascinated at the play and makes us want to keep watching to see what’s going to happen next in the scenes, so that at the end we have answered all the questions and doubts that we have from the beginning. We also want to know more about the two families and why they hate each other so much and who the two star-crossed lovers are and why they take their lives.

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Zefferelli’s film was made in 1968. He beleaguered his edition of Romeo and Juliet to adults and teenagers of that time. He may have beleaguered this audience because of the setting style of his version of Romeo and Juliet. His version of Romeo and Juliet is set in the past time, the time of the play, in an Old Italian city. We see people going about with their daily activities, however in their long-gone day’s lifestyle, and dress, and they have dusty dirty streets. The Capulets wore bright colourful colours; orange and yellow, which looked similar to that of ...

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