English Literature GCSE Coursework - Shakespeare (Macbeth)

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“The dead butcher and his fiend-like queen”. Is this an accurate description of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? In the beginning of the play, Macbeth can be described as being loyal, courageous and noble. He is liked, trusted and respected by everyone around him. However this soon changes after his first encounter with the three witches. This is because the witches inform Macbeth that his life could be far different, therefore changing Macbeth’s perception of his life. In doing this, they do not actually use true powers, they use the power of suggestion. This is where we begin to see a change in Macbeth’s outlook on life and his behaviour By the end of the play, Macbeth has been given this label of “butcher”. He has been transformed from a mighty and ambitious warrior to a cruel and unjust ruler. Macbeth could well have fitted the description of “butcher” very well as he did kill many people, even people who were very close to him. He kills Duncan, the king, Banquo, his best friend, and also Lady Macduff and her son. The Collins Modern English Dictionary describes a “butcher” as an indiscriminate and brutal murderer; this is certainly what he was becoming. To be a “butcher”, Macbeth first had to be changed from a loyal leader of Duncan’s army, to a cruel killer. This all came down to the work of the witches, Macbeth’s greed and Lady Macbeth’s ambitions. The first contribution to Macbeth’s later attitude could well have been his newly found title of Thane of Cawdor, given to him after the end of the battle, by Duncan himself. This could well spark Macbeth in to thinking of ambitions that were greater, such as king. In Act 1 Scene 3 Macbeth and Banquo are confronted by the witches and it is prophesised that Macbeth is to be King. At first he does not think that he should do anything to make this prophesy become true: "If Chance will have me king, why, chance May crown me, Without my stir." However, when soon after Duncan decides to name Malcolm as the successor it puts a big obstacle in the way of Macbeth, and he soon realises that he will have to kill Duncan if he wishes to become king: "The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'er-leap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires." Macbeth uses the witches as his security, his mental aid. Their predictions that he is to be king make him feel safe as if nothing can get in the way. Although he knows he is going to be king, he does not want to wait all of his life for the honour he wants it as quick as possible. Malcolm extends his waiting time and makes him impatient. Macbeth wants Malcolm out of the way but he feels safe that he will still be king whatever he does. Although Macbeth would love to be king, he does not want to become king by
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killing Duncan. He does not want to kill him because he is his king and also a close relation. Macbeth is the host and it is his duty to protect him while he is in his castle. This shows us that Macbeth is not an evil man at the start of the play even though he does have some evil thoughts he is unable to carry these out. If he were evil then his kinship and duty to the king would not deter him from murdering Duncan: "First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the ...

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