Essay arguing for single sex education

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Essay arguing for single sex education

Firstly, single sex schools, unlike co-ed schools are more supportive academically, the competition between sexes is lowered, and students discover their character and are allowed to develop their intellect. Single sex education offers a completely different educational experience and does not allow gender to interfere in a negative way. 

In a single-sex environment students feel freer to explore their ideas and most importantly, to not feel pressurised to conform with gender stereotypical behaviour that is put on a gender to a particular subject or interest. In this environment, girls feel more comfortable exploring non-traditional subjects such as mathematics, advanced sciences, computers and technology, whilst boys are more likely to participate in choirs and orchestras, as well as pursuing an interest in literature.

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Also, single sex schools perform better academically than mixed sex schools. This is because single sex schools eliminate distractions from the opposite sex, helping students focus more on their studies. With the absence of the opposite sex, “it can help some students to become more focused and well-rounded”   (Christiana Hoff Sommers)   because there are no attractions and relationships between boys and girls that could interfere with ones studies. It helps to reduce the pressure of both boys and girls becoming obsessed with their body images to impress their opposite sex.

Single sex education reduces gender stereotypes and ...

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