Essay courage-integrity

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Laura Clark 10G

What has Harper Lee got to say about courage/integrity and what methods does she use to present these themes?

There are lots of examples of characters having courage and integrity in the book, a sign that Harper Lee believes these values to be important. A main technique that she uses to get the reader to see the messages in the book is using Scout’s viewpoint.

        An effect of using Scout’s viewpoint is that she often does not understand the reasoning behind decisions that integrity is a factor of. This naivety gives Lee a reason to use another character to explain values to Scout – and therefore explaining the reasons to the reader themselves.

        One example of this is on page 30, when the family have Walter Cunningham over for dinner. Calpurnia says “Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo’ comp’ny”. This quote is telling Scout that she should treat everyone with the same respect, telling her something that she did not otherwise understand. It shows an example of the characters having integrity in the book, even Calpurnia (who in this time period is considered as inferior). It shows that everyone should have some sort of morals.

        Another example where Lee uses Scout to get a message across in the book is on page 35. Atticus says “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” He is explaining to Scout that she needs to think from the other person’s point of view. This partly shows the reader how Atticus remains so calm and honest throughout the book – i.e. how he keeps his integrity. It brings the message of integrity to the forefront of the book and the readers mind.

        This technique is also used to illustrate courage in the book, one example of which is the character of Jem. On page 62, he returns to the Radley Place alone at two o’clock in the morning, showing great courage. Again, Scout does not understand why he is going to do it causing Jem to reply (i.e. explaining to Scout) “Atticus ain’t ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way”. I think this shows that Jem knows that they should not have disobeyed Atticus, and does not want to lose his respect. Respect is a part of integrity, and this is another point where Lee shows it is important.

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        The fact that sometimes we feel superior to Scout also helps the reader understand points in the book more. Her naivety makes us laugh, but it also makes us think about what we have read. This is because sometimes we have to extract the real meaning of the words from the phrases that are what Scout actually thinks.

        A lighter method Lee uses to present courage and integrity is by using humour. At occasions throughout the book, she uses comedy to show slight moral values. Many of these occasions are not important events in the book, however they show a ...

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