Essay on Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Essay on Animal Farm (By George Orwell)


George Orwell, author of Animal Farm, extracted events from the Russian Revolution and wrote this great novel. This book is based on the Russian Revolution itself. Many characters in the novel represent certain people who took a major role in the Russian Revolution. For example, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, He tried to build the new society, but later in the book he got carried away with his greed and selfishness.

Old Major has a dream in the fable, that all animals would have a better life, better future, where there was a society of equality and freedom for the animals. Old Major organises a meeting and tells the animals about this bizarre dream, and plans to make it come true. All the animals agree with enthusiasm and have full potential to go ahead it. In this essay, I will try and explain how George Orwell connects the Russian Revolution to the novel-Animal Farm. I will also explain, the moral behind the story and what the author is trying to say to the readers when writing this book.
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In my opinion, one important event in the Russian Revolution which stood out to me and shocked me was when many ideas came from Karl Marx, a German economist, whose major work Das Capital proposed a society in which all people would be free and equal. Marx died in 1883 and never saw the revolution he had inspired. George Orwell wrote about this event in chapters 1&2 of Animal Farm. This is when Old Major inspires everyone with his heart-warming speech and convinces everyone to have a rebellion. He tells them that all animals would later on live ...

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