Essay on Sympathy on the Last Night

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English Language Coursework         Parag

Question: How does the writer evoke sympathy for the Jewish refugees in “The last Night” upon the reader?

The “The Last Night” is an extract, written by Sebastian Faulks, from the story “Charlotte Gray” and is based in the 1940s during World War II, when the Nazis led by Hitler discriminated the Jews by killing them in concentration camps or by enslaving them. These facts are shown during the opening statement setting up the readers’ expectations. The title is foreboding of the events in this extract. The writer displays the innocence of refugee children by showing their unawareness of the situation and the fact that they are in such harsh circumstances at such tender age. This causes immense pain and suffering for parents who have the experience of parting. The Jewish refugees also constantly support each other, especially the children, making the journey a little more pleasant. Also the fact that these children were born in such unforgivable conditions and in such a discriminated religion, evoke sympathy upon the reader.

The writer evokes sympathy for the children throughout the extract, who do not seem to be aware of what’s happening through the use of juxtaposition and visual imagery. When Faulks tells us about the “children” having the “ability to fall asleep” and “dream in other places” right after he talks about “the adults in the room sat slumped”, “wakeful” and “talking in lowered voices”, he juxtaposes the understanding of adults to how naïve the children were to the situation. This also gives us a visual setting of the room and how separated the camps were as the adults knowing their fate were mourning and children clueless of their fate were sleeping without any problem. Moreover, this visual imagery carries on when “Jacob’s limbs were intertwined with [Andre’s] for warmth” giving us a better understanding of the harsh conditions and their brotherly love as Andre is primarily concerned about his brother Jacob. This evokes sympathy and emphasizes their pain.

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Furthermore, through the use of contrast and word choice, readers’ pathos is further evoked by the tender age of the children, which highlights their innocence as some were too young to go through such unforgiving life experiences. Faulks talks about some children being “too small to manage the step up” so the gendarmes had to help them on to the bus, or they were “pulled up by grown-ups already on board” emphasizing the small size of the children in contrast to the bus, thereby evoking sympathy. In addition, we also see that the adults had given up hope to such ...

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This is a very successful essay where the writer has shown a clear understanding of both the text and question. The writer has used quotes expertly and has imbedded them into their points well. The essay is made most effective as the writer makes sure that every point has related to the question. There is room for a more in depth language analysis. Word level analysis is important as it helps show you have understood different shades of meaning. ****