Eva Smith's Diary

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Eva Smith's Diary

29th September 1910

I hate Mr. Birling! The only secure job I've ever had with a frequent income and what does he do? Fires me, and why? All because I asked for a petty shillings and sixpence more than I was already earning. Pathetic. And of all the cheek... he let everyone else go back to their jobs at their old rates but accused me of being a ringleader and told me to never ever go back.

Well... I'll never set foot in that place again. I may even have to go on the streets because I cannot afford to pay the rent on my flat. But I'll adjourn the situation for a few weeks and see if any other vacancies for jobs crop up, wish me luck.

3rd October 1910

I can't believe it. Today has been one of the worst days, in fact the worst day of my life ever. I never thought my Dad would give up, but early hours of this morning the pain in his chest became unbearable for him. He took an overdose of his medication, which finished him off. I don't know what I'll do without him. I'll miss him so much, he was the only family I had left. And to top that, he never wrote his will, so all his money goes to charity and all he had left gets auctioned next week. I desperately need to sort out my life.

20th November 1910

There has been nothing new happening over the time expanse I haven't written about, so I guess that's that really.

2nd December 1910

Everyone I know, which isn't actually that many people, has fallen ill with the good deal of influenza being spread around, but all in my favour really! A few of the staff at the high class clothes store, Milward's, have had to resign due to catching the flu. So they're looking to recruit new shop assistants. I'm going to go for an interview tomorrow. Please God, give me luck!

3rd December 1910

Well, I went for my interview and... I got the job! Thank heavens! I start tomorrow morning, I'll have to write how it goes. It should be great working among all the pretty dresses and hats, it'll make me feel like a proper girl for once.

4th December 1910

Today has been absolutely excellent, best day in a few years I would say. I really enjoyed myself. I made friends with 3 other assistants; Daisy Renton, Elma Francis and Arianne Goodman. We all went for coffee at Elma's after work, great laugh it was. For the first time I feel things might finally work right for me, and oh how I hope they do.
Join now!

30th December 1910

My life is still normal as of yet. Work is better than ever, I even got a raise last week. I hope my luck is set to carry on along these lines, but I'm probably wrong, I'll be in for a bumpy ride of life again soon... no doubt about it.

9th January 1911

Yup, my predictions were right. A customer named Miss Sheila Birling, a rather stuck up sort of character, came to shop at Milward's today. She was trying on a hat when, all of a sudden, she flew off ...

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