Evolution vs. Creation essay. Creation is a belief followed by many people and the Holy Bible serves as a guideline and a set of instructions to show how the earth was formed and to guide us through life. Science backs up this Holy Book it is a very relia

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Evolution vs. Creation ESSAY

Carlos Pons 11(1)

Creation and Evolution are two major beliefs that people follow as a guideline. The two philosophies have different effects on our lives and the make up who we are and what we do. I will compare these two philosophies and show their pros and cons.

Creation is a belief followed by many people and the Holy Bible serves as a guideline and a set of instructions to show how the earth was formed and to guide us through life. Science backs up this Holy Book it is a very reliable source of the history of the world.
Evolution cannot be clearly explained unless it is defined into two categories. Macro Evolution is one part of evolution, based on assumptions and beliefs. It is unscientific and has not been empirically proven. Macro Evolution states that life came from non-living materials and is slowly evolving from different kinds of species to better and stronger forms of life. Micro Evolution (adapting) is observable and has been scientifically proven many times, stating that different species adapt to their environment, but stay within their own species. The concept of Micro Evolution is totally unrelated with Macro Evolution and should not be tied in with evolution at all because people get confused in the two terms. When Evolution is mentioned throughout the paper, it is being referred to as Macro Evolution not Micro Evolution.
There are many questions in life that man has always longed to find the answers to and the questions are: Who am I, why am I here, how did everything get here, and where will I go when I die? Well if you believe in evolution then you came from non-living material that all came together from the big bang. There is no purpose to life, you have no one to answer to, so if it feels good than do it and when you die then you will be recycled into a plant. We supposedly came here by chance through millions of years of evolving from a rock.
In Creation, an all-powerful creator created you, life is a stepping-stone to get to heaven; there are consequences to what you do, rules to follow and someone to answer to. There is an afterlife for all people either heaven or hell, so lead a good life and follow what the creator set out for you in the Bible.
In Evolution man believes that he is getting better all the time, there is no one to answer to and he is his own God to do what he wants. This theory of evolution all started with the devil in the beginning of the history of the earth, in the King James Version of the Bible. Genesis chapter three, verse 4-5 states that
“4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall surely not die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
The Devil deceived Adam and Eve, stating that they would be like Gods, and the concept of Evolution is teaching people that they have no one to answer to; they are their own Gods. The Devil is the one that wants to deceive us in believing this.
Evolution is teaching us that we are getting better from when we first evolved from a rock. Creation is the opposite, man is the one that let sin into the world and because of this he is slowly getting poorer in quality as time goes by and he is exposed to sin. To back up this point the second law of thermodynamics is: Everything tends to disorder. Nothing gets better without assistance, but God said that he would come back, get rid of sin and the devil, and make the world perfect again without sin.
It is believed that since Adam and Eve took the bite out of the apple off of the tree of knowledge, everything has been going downhill, towards an unorganized state from what it was originally created as a perfect place in the Garden of Eden. For example in the book by Raven Johnson on Biology, on page 340 in 1997, in the United States there were 1,382,400 reported new cancers and in all cancer cases half of the people died.
In the King James Bible, in Hebrews chapter 1:10-11 reads:

The Devil is the one who wants to be like God and he can’t have the job so he is in the process of trying to destroy humans by turning them against God because humans are in God’s image and we remind the devil of God. In the King James Version Bible it clearly shows the devil and his intentions:

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Isaiah 14:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,[1] son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.

The first law of thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. So somehow ...

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