Examine how modern protagonists are caught in a classical, tragic tale of revenge and obsession from which their heritage leaves them no escape.

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Examine how modern protagonists are caught in a classical, tragic tale of revenge and obsession from which their heritage leaves them no escape.

The following essay studies how the characters' Italian/Sicilian backgrounds influenced the outcome of 'A view from a bridge' by Arthur Miller, a story of treachery and betrayal, towards family and friends and members of the same culture. The protagonists in this story all add a little to this tragic play, from which it seems there is no escape. I shall endeavor to study all aspects of the characters' personalities, and discover why they acted the way they did in certain situations in this book. This story is interesting to the reader, as each character seems to have a different view in each situation, which all add up to the story's climax at the end, when it is clear that although everyone has different views, they all believe Eddie to be in the wrong. Are they correct in thinking this, or was it due to the backgrounds and beliefs of each character?

During Act 1, we are introduced to the first character, Alfieri. This character appears to be the 'narrator' of the story. He starts off by telling us of recent events. He refers to these events as,

'Something amusing that just happened'.

Is Alfieri an unbiased character in this story? Since he is the narrator we assume that he takes an all round view and takes nobody's side. Whether this is true or not, we shall see by the rest of the story.

Are Sicilians pessimistic? He talks as if the whole town is against him. Do all Sicilians tend to be as pessimistic as he appears to be?

'In this neighbourhood to meet a lawyer or a priest in the street is unlucky'.

He believes that people barely acknowledge him in the street, only giving him a nod, hardly even noticing him. Eddy's speech is written in blank verse, his language and speech showing us that he is a well-educated man. His speech is filled with formal and poetic language. He talks as if the world has been unjust toward him, as if he is not quite content with the world around him, but is not quite sure what could be done to correct it all. He tells us:

'Justice is very important here'.

It seems to be ironic that the people are afraid of the law that protects them. They believe in justice and yet they are wary of the law, and therefore do not seem to care to believe that lawyers exist. Alfieri even tells us,

'A lawyer means the law.'

All that he says tends to make us believe him to be a pessimist. He seems to think that everyone is against him. Does he think himself to be a bad person? He talks as though he craves Sicily, although he starts to talk of missing Sicily and hastily covers up by ending the sentence with,

'...And I like it better, I no longer keep a pistol in my filing cabinet.'

He tells us that justice is important here. It must be even more significant to him, because he is a lawyer, and justice is the tool of his trade.

However he does not talk like a happy man. He seems not to particularly agree with all the laws. It appears that he is unhappy with his work. He views it as: -

'Entirely unromantic'.

This implies that he has lost all passion for his work.

Alfieri seems like a man who wishes for more than he has. He is unhappy with the mundane lifestyle that he leads and wishes for some excitement in his life or job. He is a reliable source of unbiased information and it is clear that we can trust him.

At this point in the story, Eddie is introduced into the script. Alfieri introduces him, describing him as,

'A longshoreman working on the docks from Brooklyn Bridge to the breakwater where the open sea begins.'

He says nothing more of Eddie and that is how his speech ends.

We are now faced with Eddie. He is described in the stage directions as a forty-year-old, husky, overweight man. His description is unattractive, and when he starts talking, there is a dramatic change from Alfieri in his conversation. It is more laid back. Alfieri spoke in formal language, but Eddies' speech is entirely relaxed.

'Well, I'll see ya, fellas.'

He appears to be a stereotypical male.

Soon Catherine is added to the conversation. We are not immediately told what her role is in this play. Who is she? She could be Eddie's daughter, but her actions towards Eddie, suggest that she is his wife, and his response to her actions agree with this. She talks to him about the length of her skirt. It is a slightly comical, provocative conversation. The conversation between the two people - Eddie and Catherine - continues to be blatantly coquettish, and suddenly Eddie gets quite protective and turns into something of a father figure, when he accuses Catherine of having a skirt that is too short. Catherine's immediate response is to take offence. She answers with a 'No!' as if the very thought of Eddie disapproving mortifies her. We can see that throughout the play, Catherine is always looking to please Eddie.

If Eddie is Catherine's father, there may be an implication of the potential for incest. It is clear that Eddie has a sense of responsibility for Catherine and that she has a reciprocal respect for him as an adult figure. Eddie has the maturity of years, while Catherine has the innocence of youth.
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Catherine behaves in a mixed way; she acts as if she is trying to be sophisticated, and as she points out to Eddie her skirt is the latest fashion, as are her high heels. She has changed her hair in to a fashionable style. The body language that Catherine conveys to Eddie is slightly babyish, asking for his approval, and running to get him a beer to keep him from getting mad at her.

We do not yet know of Catherine's age. Eddie calls her a college girl, which implies that she is not yet old enough ...

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