Examine the dramatic importance of Act 2 Scene 2

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Adam Burrows

Examine the dramatic importance of Act 2 Scene 2

Scene two starts off stage with Macbeth murdering King Duncan. Lady Macbeth's soliloquy at the start of scene two helps us to visualise the scene of the murder, she tell us

"that which hath made them drunk hath made me bold. "

The audience should be on the edge of their seats by now, wondering if Macbeth will actually have the nerve to murder his king.

Lady Macbeth drugs the guards and takes their daggers. She then lays them ready for Macbeth. She would have murdered Duncan herself if he had not resembled her father. Macbeth returns having murdered Duncan.

Shakespeare's use of language and structure manages to create tension right up to the murder of King Duncan. He manages to gradually build it up and then release it a little, and then increase it until finally the act of regicide takes place. His use of dramatic irony, the supernatural and indecision all combine to keep the audience on the edge of their seats throughout these scenes. His use of the right language in the right places helps the characters and the play to become really believable.

Throughout the play, the supernatural plays a major role. A wise choice by Shakespeare at the time and it still works today.

At the start of the scene, the first sign of tension is when the owl shrieks. In Shakespeare time people thought that when an owl shrieks it symbolised someone's death. Before macbeth enters the scene Lady macbeth mentions the owl shrieking, at this point, the dialogue is written in punctuation, this also creates tension early in the scene to build the audiences awareness to show something dramatic is about to happen. Macbeth is sent to kill Duncan. He does the deed and comes back with the daggers and blood all over himself.
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" I heard an owl scream and the crickets cry." It's said that when a cricket cries it means whispering of dead souls. After Lady Macbeth has said this quote, her and Macbeth's speeches are very short due to tension. The natural world has been turned upside down because of Macbeth's deed.

When Macbeth returns, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth refer to the murder in euphemisms, using the words "it and deed" They treat the word 'murder' as a taboo subject and it could be said that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are equivocators, they use ambiguous language in ...

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