Examine the role of the Supernatural in 'Macbeth'

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Ricky Winborn

Examine the role of the Supernatural in ‘Macbeth’

The play ‘Macbeth’ is essentially about a battle between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ where the witches represent the ‘evil’ or ‘supernatural’. It is a fast moving historical tragedy with images of evil, disaster, and tragedy all produced as a consequence of ambition. At the time that Shakespeare wrote the play (between 1603 and 1606), there was much fascination and intrigue with the supernatural and this play would have interested the audience a lot at the time and the theme of the supernatural would have kept them captivated. The play was supposedly written with King James the first in mind as it was written at the time that he was at the throne and he had also written a book, ‘Demonology’, a similar subject.  

The witches are used as a representation of evil and the supernatural in the play and they create a mysterious atmosphere. They also create an element of fear to help excite the curiosity of the audience. They are used as a tool to set the atmosphere from the very first scene ‘In thunder, lightning, or in rain?’ (matches the desolate setting). They also speak in riddles and in an ambiguous tone, ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’ to set the mood right throughout the play. The way the witches speak is like that of a chant as they seem to speak in unison. Their physical appearance is also a tool used to mystify and even disgust the audience. They are intended to appear ugly and unconventional ‘women with beards’, ‘filthy hags’.

 There is also a very powerful speech made by Hecate, the goddess of Witchcraft’. This speech is intended to scare the audience. In the speech, Hecate rebukes the three witches for conversing with Macbeth without her involvement ‘And I the mistress of your charms, the close contriver of all harms was never called to bear my part or show the glory of our art?’. She makes an arrangement with the witches to meet them at the ‘Pit of Acheron’ (a river in hell) to tell Macbeth his destiny ‘And at the Pit of Acheron – Meet me I’th’morning’. She feels Macbeth has become too confident and promises to use witchcraft to ruin him ‘he shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear his hopes ‘bove wisdom, grace, and fear’.

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The supernatural is also embraced by Lady Macbeth when she calls upon evil spirits to aid her in killing Duncan. The speech includes a series of powerful images that are associated with the supernatural and evil ‘And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell’. Alliteration is also used to emphasise important quotes ‘you murd’ring ministers’. She also calls upon evil spirits to take make her a man and remove her feminine qualities so that she can be harder and more evil. She wants the powers of evil to stop the blood from flowing to her heart easily so that ...

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