Explain how Arthur Miller creates dramatic tension in the yellow bird scene in the crucible

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How does Miller create Tension in the Yellow Bird Scene?

How does Miller create Tension in the Yellow Bird Scene?

The Crucible is set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. It starts when Parris, the local- and rather unpopular- reverend in Salem discovers his daughter Betty, niece Abigail and many other young women from the village dancing and chanting in the forest, led by his slave Tituba. Tituba is from the West Indies, so has a set of traditions and beliefs which seem very alien to the Puritan citizens of Salem. When Betty and another girl involved in the dancing don’t wake up the next day, and just lie in a trance-like state, there are rumours of witchcraft afoot. With the arrival of Hale, an open- minded but overly righteous witch- hunter, Abby and Tituba claim to have been possessed by the spirits of ‘witches’ in Salem. Abby, along with some other girls, start accusing many people. Those who confess to devil worship are saved; those who do not are charged to be hanged.

In court, the girls faint, and claim to have terrible pains and see horrific visions, all induced by the ‘witch’ on trial. Their tactics are powerful, so those conducting the proceedings do not really consider they may be faking. Also, no one dares express sympathy for those charged, for fear of being accused themselves. As Abby and the other girls become ‘court officials’, people are wary of crossing them.

Abby is a very overpowering character. She is seventeen and ravishingly beautiful. Whilst working as a maid for Elizabeth Proctor, she had an affair with her husband John. Abby still has feelings for him, and consequently despises his wife Goody Proctor. In the forest, she cast a spell to try and kill her. The affair has created a lot of tension between the married couple, and it seems John has never quite won back his wife’s trust. When the couple’s maid, Mary Warren, reveals that Elizabeth’s name has been mentioned in court when witchcraft was being discussed, Goody Proctor is desperate for John to appeal to the court before she is formally charged. This is because Abby revealed to Proctor there was no witchcraft involved in Betty’s trance-like state, claiming, ‘She just took fright, is all’.

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Proctor is a highly passionate man, who can be hot-headed. He has to live with the terrible guilt of his affair, which he greatly regrets. He still has feelings for Abby, but he is too ashamed of his weakness in character to do anything about them, seeing what the initial affair did to his relationship with his wife. He still loves Elizabeth, but succumbed to the beautiful girl who had been a temptation to him whilst his wife was ill. When Hale arrives at their house to question the couple, Proctor questions Hale to see whether he has considered ...

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