Explain how far you think Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a character out of control.

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Starting with this scene, explain how far you think Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a character out of control.

* How Shakespeare presents lady Macbeth in this scene

* How Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth in the play as a whole.

At the start of the play lady Macbeth is portrayed as a powerful, manipulative women who doesn’t have second thoughts on killing king Duncan. However after the “dirty deed” the character of Lady Macbeth seems to disintegrate as she suffers a break down emotionally, physically which led to her committing suicide. The quote “all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this hand oh oh!” this implies that lady Macbeth acknowledges the guilt because she’s aware that all perfumes, water cannot wash the enormity that her and Macbeth have perpetrated.
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Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth in his extract as a character who is highly affected by her past. “Out damned spot out I say” suggests that lady Macbeth is hallucinating Duncan’s blood on her hands. Her hallucinations are so deep to a limit were she can smell Duncan’s blood in her hands .At this point the audience are aware that lady Macbeth cannot bear the guilt anymore due to her severe hallucinations of blood. Later on in the play lady Macbeth commits suicide which heightens the guilt she was feeling due to her ambitions driving her to commit the ...

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