Explain how important Juliet's isolation is in the development of the plot in Romeo and Juliet

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Explain how important Juliet’s isolation is in the development of the plot in Romeo and Juliet


I feel that Juliet’s isolation in Romeo and Juliet is one of the most important things that leads the play to end in tragedy.

Throughout Romeo and Juliet, Juliet always seems to be alone and in her own world, “she’ll not come down tonight”.  Juliet is quite young, with no one of her own age around.  We also find out she is an only child, “my child, my only life,” hence she would not have any siblings to talk to.  If Juliet had some friends then she would have been able to compare situations with them and share her feelings instead of keeping them cooped up inside of her.  I f she was able to talk to someone about her feelings she may not have fallen in love with Romeo so easily as she would not have been alone, so the play may not have ended so disastrously and Juliet could have met another man while out with her friends and someone who is a Capulet and not the her family’s greatest enemy!

As a result of Juliet’s isolation she is blissfully ignorant of the ways of the world making her quite vulnerable to all she is put through during the play.

However, as Romeo and Juliet develops and Juliet becomes the wife of Romeo, she quickly matures into a new person who can think for herself and survive alone.  She openly defies the Nurse and her parents.  She screams at the Nurse, “[g]o Counselor,” and boldly resists her parents’ decision for her to marry Count Paris, “[h]e shall not make me there a joyful bride.”  It is Juliet’s lack of experience, which I think, made her fall in love with Romeo as she didn’t want to be alone and I believe she actually did want to get married as she says, “[i]t is an honour that I dream not of.”

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Romeo seems to change Juliet a great deal as first she was a good obedient Christian girl, “I am here.  What is your will?”, but after falling in love with Romeo she starts challenging her parents and being disobedient and disagreeing with them.  When Lady Capulet asks her to marry the Count Paris, even though she is not very interested, she agrees to marry him and meet him at the ball.  “I’ll look to like, if looking liking move.”

After meeting Romeo Juliet cannot really talk to her parents anymore as she is going against them and what they believe ...

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A well explored theme with some detailed reference to the text. To improve, more quotes need to be placed in context and language looked at in more detail.