Explain what makes a good mystery story, based on your understanding of 'The Red Room' by H.G. Wells The Red Room by H. G. Wells

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Explain what makes a good mystery story, based on your understanding of 'The Red Room' by H.G. Wells

The Red Room by H. G. Wells

The title 'The Red Room' immediately attracts the reader's attention; it is symbolic but leaves unanswered questions. "What is the red room?" Is this room dangerous? Overall the title raises so much curiosity wanting us to read on and find answers to our questions. Red is a very strong colour and is generally associated with blood, danger, warning, hell, and above all, fear, the title also shows the setting of the story. It makes you wonder why the room is called the red room and if it is actually red.

The Red Room contains all the elements of a ghost story; the story is written to illustrate the nature of fear and is an insight into how it affects the human mind. This story contains all the features of a 19th century novel; it is set in an old derelict house, it involves moving through dark passages, and it involves a ghost/haunted room. It also contains all the features of a good short story. It has an effective opening, a realistic setting, a limited number of believable characters and has a plot with a clear conflict, a plot that builds suspense, excitement, and the plot has a twist at the end. The story is structured to create and sustain suspense, from the very beginning right through to the climax of the story where the man is overcome by total darkness.

The Red Room is based upon the myths concerning a haunted room within an old derelict castle.

The story is told in first person, which makes it very personal and allows the reader to feel as if he/she were there. It is about a young man who volunteers to go and stay overnight in the 'Red Room'. The room is known to be haunted and there are many myths and legends about death that are brought up during the story. The night chosen is a particularly bad night to go and stay there because it is the anniversary of the death of the Duke who had once tried to stay in the room.

"The great Red Room of Lorraine Castle, in which the young Duke had died."

The stories brought up have an effect on both the reader and the young man in the story. For the reader it reinforces the feeling that the man is doomed and for the young man himself, it shatters his nerves and makes him aware of all the possible dangers that could seal his fate if he enters the room.

There is only one main character in 'The Red Room', and three minor characters. The main character is not introduced to us in any way; all we learn is that he is a 28 year old and is at this castle to prove his manhood by staying overnight in a 'haunted room'. We do not know how he came to be at the house or whom he is trying to prove himself to. He is, at no point in the story given a name. This is done on purpose, to create a mysterious and uneasy atmosphere, but within the first few lines of dialogue we understand that he is a very confident and boastful man:
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"It will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me."

However brave he says he is, he carries a gun with him. This shows that he is prepared for a possible emergency, although if there was a ghost, then generally you would be unable to shoot a ghost because the bullet would go straight through the ghost; it reinforces that he doesn't believe in ghosts.

He is rather curious and inquisitive and is always looking for an answer which is just like the reader:

"Show me this haunted room of yours"

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