Explain Why Act 3, Scene 1 is a turning point in Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet

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English GCSE Coursework

Explain Why Act 3, Scene 1 is a turning point in Shakespeare’s play,

Romeo and Juliet

In this essay, I will be exploring why in William Shakespeare’s play: Romeo and Juliet, act 3, scene 1 is the turning point of the play.

The play was first written between 1585 and 1589, when important leaders such as Queen Elizabeth ruled. Considering the prologue of the play, Romeo and Juliet were “star cross’d lovers”, whose families were enemies from “ancient” times. Following this situation, the lovers end up killing themselves; thus making Romeo and Juliet a memorable and tragic love story.

Up until act 3, scene 1, everything had been going smoothly for Romeo and Juliet and as a result the audience is hit hard by the impact of act 3, scene 1 in contrast to previous scenes.

For instance by this scene, Romeo has been able to arrange his marriage with Juliet and so marries her in private. This is already a hopeful situation considering the ongoing feud between their two families.

Furthermore, there is a cheerful vibe following up to act 3, scene 1 when a party takes place at the Capulet’s household; where Romeo first meets Juliet. In fact Tybalt noticed a Montague’s presence but despite this no fight or conflict occurs- this gives a hint of relief to the audience.

Moreover, the very first fight in the play was presumably used to portray to the audience the hostile relationship between the two families, but apart from this incident no fight or tragedy takes place again until act 3, scene 1.    

In act 3, scene 1 the audience no longer sees any hope for the couple since a Capulet (Tybalt) and a friend of Montague’s (Mercutio) have been murdered.

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More importantly to Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, Romeo is exiled from Verona under the pain of death, making it impossible for their relationship to continue as it has.

This scene has a shocking impact on the audience and also fills them with more tension and intrigue as to what would happen next.

Many characters and previous incidents contributed to the fight between Mercutio, Romeo and Tybalt in act 3, scene 1.

First and foremost, it was because of the significant feuding between the two families. In fact this is mentioned in the prologue of the play where it says,


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