Explore how sherriff presents the relationships between Osborne and Stanhope

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Explore how Sherriff presents the relationships between Osborne and Stanhope


  • The both are from same wealthy upper class (officers) This makes difference as officers do to socialize with the normal men. They can also understand each other since they have common interest like cricket and rugby.
  • Osborne has a lot of respect for Stanhope professionally; Stanhope has been in the army for a long time. (Quote)
  • Osborne cares for Stanhope as a guardian, (quote)
  • Had such a strong friendship when Osborne died Stanhope could not forget about him (been friends)
  • Osborne understands Stanhope’s drinking disorder, Osborne understands that Stanhope is under a lot of pressure due to the setting of the war. Although Stanhope is bad tempered sometimes, Osborne still like him.
  • In this essay I will consider………..
    Description of story, Setting of the play
  • The different themes the play includes


This play is set in the First World War, the play is based on an officers dugout in the British trenches on the front line for six days. Throughout, the play describes the conditions of trench life how horrifying it was, from being wet and cold to having millions of rats running around and gnawing at the men’s boots. In addition to the poor conditions the men had to stay in, they had to live with the fear of expecting the Germans to attack at any time. Besides the terrifying settings of the trenches this play also includes humor and understatement which brings a comical side to the reader. Also in this play many different themes can be identified, these add much thought and feeling while reading, the range of themes also provide a thorough extended understanding of the rough conditions and atmosphere the soldiers had to fight in. These themes consist of the class hierarchy, for example Officers are classed higher than the men, the friendship between officers, the horrors of war, honor for fighting for their country, fear of war, Cowardice of men and the conditions of war.

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I think at the start of the play Sherriff shows the reader immediately that Osborne rates Stanhope highly and that he respects him a lot professionally. Stanhope has been in the front line for a long time and has been commanding a company for a while and has never had a rest.

‘He came out straight from school when he was eighteen. He’s commanded this company for a year in and out of the front line.’

The play also shows that Osborne would do anything he could to help or protect Stanhope, this proves a strong friendship between them.


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A well-structured response which uses many very good examples to support its points. The response is extremely focused and clear in expression. The points made are supported with appropriate examples throughout, including appropriate quotations. Some of the points could have been developed further and other themes and aspects of their relationship explored. There is a need to proof-read in order to amend errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar and to improve the quality of communication. ***