Explore the dramatic nature of act 3 of 'The Crucible'. Disscuss how the plays stage directions, speech, plot development and character actions or development contribute to the drama and tensionOf the act.

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Explore the dramatic nature of act 3

Of the crucible.disscuss how the plays stage directions,

Speech, plot development and character actions or

Development contribute to the drama and tension

Of the act

The dramatic nature of act 3 in the crucible goes up and down, there are many ways in which the stage directions, speech, plot development and character development help to raise and lower the tension of the act. The writer shows how these things have an affect on the audience and how they feel about the play.

        Act 3 starts with voices off stage, there is no visual. The audience can hear Hathorne, Martha Corey, Danforth and Giles. The tension rises as you cannot see the actors, but can only hear the speech. The stage direction is off stage (a roaring goes up from the people) this makes the audience think, what will happen next. In the speech some repetition and rhetorical questions are used to make the audience feel sympathy, anger or worry.

“Danforth: (mystified): Books? What Books?”

“Hathorne: This is contempt sir, contempt!

The tension is brought down as Giles, Francis and proctor try to reason with the judge. Giles talks about the judge’s father and an old case, that he took. This calms down the audience as the people on stage are only talking quietly.

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        Tension rises as Giles Corey partially gives evidence against Thomas Putnam also showing how much he hates Putnam “Giles (clenching his fist): a fart on Thomas Putnam is what I say to that. Then the plot develops by making this end with Giles not giving the name and then he goes to jail threatening to cut Putnam’s throat. He then later is pressed.

        Then the attention of the audience is focused as Mary has her interview. Many things are mentioned like the poppet and the dancing in the woods, this part of the scene is just talking fairly calm until…        


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