Explore the portrayal of Shylock in “The Merchant of Venice.” How far is he a heartless villain of cruel society? You should comment on the social/historical background, the language and the structure of the play.

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Explore the portrayal of Shylock in “The Merchant of Venice.” How far is he a heartless villain of cruel society? You should comment on the social/historical background, the language and the structure of the play.

This play is set in the city of Venice about the year 1596. Venice was the main trade center in all of Europe. They traded all sorts of cargo, like human cargo (slaves.), silks and spices. The law of Venice was extremely strict and if anyone disobeys the law they would be in deep trouble. Venice is full of mixed people, wealthy people, poor people, kind people, loyal people and unloyal people. Venice’s main religion is Christianity. The main Christian in this story is Antonio. Antonio is a merchant who loans people money without charging interest.

        Venice has also got Jews (or the Hebrews). The Jews came from a place called Israel. The powerful Romans ruled Israel. At first the Jews were allowed their religion but then the Romans tried to crush it. The main Jew in this story is a man called Shylock. Shylock also loans money but has to charge interest.

Shylock – A villain who deservers his fate?

        Shylock has a deep obsession with money. Shylock cares more about money than anything else in the world even more than his daughter. When his daughter ran away with a Christian it made him intensively mad. But what was more shocking to him was that she took lots of his money and his wife’s precious turquoise. The turquoise is a valuable ring that he cared about a lot. When Shylock found out that his daughter had ran away he had very mixed feelings. This was because at the same time he found out another one of his archenemy’s (Antonio.) ships had gone down. But then he said, “I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewel in her ear”. These two lines tells us and the audience how low he would sink for money.

Shylock also hates the rich and the tremendously famous Antonio. The main reason he hates him is because Antonio will not charge interest on his loans, “ He lend out money gratis”. He hates Antonio for doing this because it “ brings down rate of unsance here with us in Venice”. This means that Shylock has to charge very little interest so he can stay in business, this hurts Shylocks pocket. Shylock tells the audience his true feelings about Antonio. He says “ I hate for he is a Christian”. When this speech is being said Shakespeare’s audience would have flipped in anger. The audience might have thrown stuff and definitely “ booed ”. But if this play was show now-a-days the audience would still be angry but not as much as Shakespeare’s time.

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At times Shylock can be really mean and harsh. Like when he was asked to come and eat with the Christians he didn’t take it at all nicely, he said “I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you and so following; But I will not eat with you, drink with you nor pray with you ”. I think this speech Shylock just said was totally unnecessary but after the way he has been treated its completely understandable. When he was about to leave to go to dinner he told Jessica not to look at ...

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